Creating Linked Services In Azure Data Factory

Harsh Bakshi
4 min readMar 25, 2024



Learn how to set up an Azure Data Factory and create a linked service within it.

Why Use a Data Factory?

The Data Factory allows us to build pipelines for seamlessly transferring data between different data stores.


  1. A Microsoft Azure account

Follow the steps below:

Step 1. Sign in to the Azure portal using the link provided and navigate to the home screen of the Azure portal.


Azure portal

Step 2. Click on New -> Databases -> Data Factory

Data Factory

You will now see a new configuration blade for your Data Factory.

Enter the required details like the Data Factory name, Subscription, Resource Group, Location, and pin it to the dashboard. Click Create once all details are provided.

Resource Group

Your Azure Data Factory will be set up now.

Your Azure Data Factory has been successfully deployed.

Azure Data Factory

The Importance of Linked Services

Before working on pipelines, it is essential to create a Data Factory with necessary entities. Let’s create a Linked Service to establish connections between data stores and define input/output configurations before moving on to building the pipeline.

Next, we will connect our Azure storage account to the Azure HDInsight Cluster within the Azure Data Factory. This storage account will handle the input and output data for the pipeline tasks.

Step 3. Open the newly created Azure Data Factory. Proceed to author and deploy.

Open Azure Data

Click on “New Data Store” and select “Azure Storage”.

Azure Storage

You will receive a JSON script for creating the Azure Storage Linked Service.

JSON script

Here is the editor with the JSON script.

Note: You need a previously created storage account to configure this connection string

Step 4. Replace the connection string code provided with your storage account credentials

"connectionString" "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=;AccountKey="

Click “Deploy” once the storage connection string is set up.

Connection string

After deploying the Linked Service, you will find the Draft-1 editor displaying AzureStorageLinkedService on the Data Factory pane’s left side.

Linked Service

Step 5. Create an Azure HDInsight Linked Service cluster within the Data Factory.

Access the Data Factory Editor and click on “more” in the top right pane within “New Datastore”.

Azure HDInsight

Click on “New compute” and select “OnDemand HDInsight Cluster”.

HDInsight Cluster

Step 6. Copy and paste the provided code snippet into the Drafts/Drafts-1 editor.

"name": "HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService",
"type": "HDInsightOnDemand",
"version": "3.2",
"clusterSize": 1,
"timeToLive": "3",
"linkedServiceName": "AzureStorageLinkedService"

The code above sets the JSON properties such as Version, ClusterSize, TimeToLive, and LinkedServiceName. Once copied to the editor, click Deploy.

JSON properties

You will now see the Linked Services for AzureStorageLinkedService and HDInsightOnDemandLinkedService.

Stay tuned for the next article on working with pipelines in Azure Data Factory.

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Thanks, Harsh
Founder | CEO — Skrots

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